EUROSTOXX (SX5E) Forecasting the Rally After Elliott Wave Double Three

by | May 28, 2024 5:54 pm
Hello fellow traders. In this technical article we’re going to take a look at the Elliott Wave charts charts of EUROSTOXX (SX5E) Index published in members area of the website.  Our members know EUROSTOXX recently made a...

EUROSTOXX (SX5E) Buying The Dips At Blue Box Area

by | March 29, 2024 3:45 pm
Hello fellow traders. In this technical article we’re going to take a look at the Elliott Wave charts charts of EUROSTOXX (SX5E) Index published in members area of the website.  Our members know we’ve presented many profitable...

Eurostoxx Reacting Higher From The Blue Box Area

by | December 27, 2023 5:33 pm
In this technical blog, we will look at the past performance of the 1-hour Elliott Wave Charts of the Eurostoxx index. We presented to members at the elliottwave-forecast. In which, the rally from the 23 October 2023 low...

Eurostoxx (SX5E) Buying The Dips At The Extremes

by | May 23, 2021 12:04 am
Hello fellow traders.  As our members know Indexes have been giving us a lot of good trading opportunities recently. One of them is Eurostoxx ( SX5E)  Index from Group 2. In this technical blog we’re going to...

Elliott Wave View: Further Upside Expected in Eurostoxx

by | March 11, 2021 4:06 pm
Short term Elliott Wave View suggests that Eurostoxx rallies from January 28 low as a 5 waves impulse Elliott Wave structure. Up from January 28 low, wave 1 ended at 3742.53 and pullback in wave 2 ended...

Eurostoxx (SX5E) Buying The Dips At The Extremes

by | March 9, 2021 4:01 pm
Hello fellow traders.  As our members know we have had a lot of good trading opportunities lately.  Another instrument that we have been trading is Eurostoxx ( SX5E)  Index from Group 2. In this technical blog we’re...

EuroStoxx Buying The Dip After Double Correction Lower

by | February 19, 2021 4:28 pm
In this technical blog, we will look at the past performance of 1 hour Elliott Wave Charts of the EuroStoxx index, which we presented to members at elliottwave-forecast. In which, the rally from March 30 October 2020 low...

Bullish Sequence in Eurostoxx (SX5E) Favoring More Upside

by | November 11, 2020 4:09 pm
Earlier this week, news came out that a vaccine from Pfizer and BionTech has a 90% effectiveness. It triggered a big rally in the market on Monday. The U.S. and Europe are now still struggling with a...

Eurostoxx Buying Dips in Blue Boxes and Forecasting The Rally

by | December 24, 2019 5:39 pm
Back in September 2019, we said Eurostoxx break above July 25 2019 created an incomplete bullish sequence from December 27, 2018 low. This called for extension higher toward 3849 – 3993 area to complete the sequence from...