Bob Prechter on the Rich Dad Radio Show

“Are stocks REALLY overvalued?” — “Are interest rates REALLY going to fall?” — “Who’s going to win the White House in November, Biden or Trump?” — “What are SAFEST ways to invest right now?”

You and millions of other investors are wrestling with these questions right now. The problem is, the mainstream finance can only do so much in terms of giving you answers.

They simply don’t have the tools. But you are about to.

Our friends at Elliott Wave International are ready to give you one-of-a-kind answers rooted in social mood research in this eye-opening conversation between Rich Dad Radio Show guest host Tom Wheelright and EWI Founder and President Bob Prechter.

Free, watch this interview now >>

Who is Elliott Wave International?
EWI is the world’s largest independent technical analysis firm. Founded by Robert Prechter in 1979, EWI helps investors and traders to catch market opportunities and avoid potential pitfalls before others even see them coming. Their unique perspective and high-quality analysis have been their calling card for nearly 40 years, featured in financial news outlets such as Fox Business, CNBC, Reuters, MarketWatch and Bloomberg.